Who We Are

TELBROAD S.A.S. is an integral consulting company in telecommunications, IT, postal, e-commerce and infrastructure

headquartered in Bogota - Colombia, specialized in legal, technical, financial and market consulting to guarantee the structuring and development of projects in the above mentioned sectors.

Founded in February 2011 by professionals with more than 20 years of experience in telecommunications, IT and infrastructure projects. Our experience, knowledge and human resources are a guarantee for the success of your projects in Colombia and Latin America.

We have allied partners in the USA, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina and Central America.

Our Services


Preparation of technical, legal and financial analysis and market studies to identify the feasibility of a project, public or private, in the field of telecommunications, IT, postal, e-commerce and infrastructure.

Project Structuring

Identification of opportunities for our clients to develop telecommunications, IT, postal, e-commerce and infrastructure projects, accompanying them in the pre-contractual phase to present winning bids (including the procurement of local partners).

Legal Advice and Representation

We act as agents (representatives) of our clients located outside Colombia for the realization of their projects in the country. We also offer the necessary legal advice for the structuring and development of projects in Colombia.

Our Experience

Since 2011, TELBROAD has participated, among others, in the execution of projects in Colombia related to the following topics:


  • Telecommunications and television infrastructure sharing
  • Regulations for internal telecommunications networks
  • Legal and regulatory framework for the implementation of the telecommunications network and the national telecommunications system for emergencies
  • Implementation of the inspection and surveillance system in the postal sector
  • Universal access to television using DTH satellite technology

Project Structuring

  • Technical Plan for Digital Television
  • Analysis of the future of the postal sector in Colombia in e-commerce environments
  • Assessment and structuring of the auction of the 700 MHz, 900 MHz, 1.9 GHz and 2.5 GHz band
  • Content provisioning and Internet
  • Analysis of the national carrier service for telecommunications transportation

Legal Advice and Representation

  • Regulatory roadmap for the digital economy
  • Structuring of universal broadband Internet access and service projects
  • Analysis of Information Services in the EE.UU.
  • Development of public policy projects for the promotion of e-commerce
  • Studies on regulation for new technology platforms and the Gig Economy

Consulting Team

The following is TELBROAD's team of senior consultants

Francisco Castro C.

Lawyer with more than 25 years of experience in the ICT sector. With specialization and master's degree in Telecommunications Law (Universidad Externado de Colombia) and in economic law from the same University. MBA from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) and Master in Arbitration. Founding partner of TelBroad. Responsible for the company and the management of consulting projects. He also serves as Arbitrator at the Arbitration Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota and Casanare. Postgraduate university professor in telecommunications regulation and national and international lecturer. Languages: Spanish (native) and English.

Guillermo Salavarrieta S.

Public Accountant with more than 30 years of professional experience. Specialized in tax law, finance and MBA from Universidad Sergio Arboleda. Expert in finance and tax auditing. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in finance at different universities in Bogota. Linked to TelBroad since 2011. Languages: Spanish (native) and English.

María Fernanda Cuevas O.

Advisor in Research and Qualitative Methods
Lawyer and Historian from Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) with more than 15 years of professional experience. Specialized in constitutional law at Panthéon-Assas (Paris), with a master's degree and PhD in History and Social Sciences from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS - Paris). Worked for the ICT Ministry / Connectivity Agenda and for the law firms Peña & Cediel Asociados and Sanclemente abogados, Advisor to the general secretary of the Mayor's Office of Bogota Common History 2.0 of the Digital Archive since 2020. Linked to TelBroad since 2015. Languages: Spanish (native), English, French and Portuguese.

Contact Information

Contact us to share the details of your project, our technical team is ready to receive you.


Carrera 8 No. 69-48 Código Postal 110231
Bogotá - Colombia


(57) 601 - 2179002
(57) 316 - 6945305

E-mail address
